Use of search engine


To use this site put a surname, cemetery, location in search box. "Adding the word PREV with you search words may narrow your search"
ie:murphy dunquin old dingle. prev
ie: murphy dowling dunquin old dingle.dowling=maiden name. Not many cemeteries include first names yet.
Try Mckenna, mc kenna, mc mahon, mac mahon.
o'carroll, o carroll, ocarroll, carroll etc.
Some graves have 5 or 6 names.Be patient this site is mainly an index
to assist you in your search.
The search results with prev & next in them
are individual headstones with the 1 or 2 names you searched for.
Adding the word PREV with you search words may narrow your search

Tip ! Click on a cemetery index. Press CTRL and F, type name into search box on browser.

Any problems contact me .


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